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Privacy collection notice

We take your privacy seriously and only collect the data and information you choose to provide us and with your consent. Personal information you provide (such as name, email and your opinions that you share via this platform) is collected by Aged Care Report Card Pty Ltd (ABN: 76 168 514 127) trading as CarePage on behalf of the party collecting this feedback for the expressed purpose of assessing, improving and administering the services provided.

We may also share and publish aggregated or anonymous data and information with third parties, such as government bodies, peak bodies and other aged care sector providers for the purposes of assessment and reviewing the performance of aged care services and to provide information back to consumers and other users of happylifeindex.com.au and carepage.business. This data and aggregated information may be explicitly identifiable as yours, or, in the event that data is aggregated and de-identified, may include your data as part of a dataset and trend.

We may be required by relevant laws to collect certain information from you. Details of any applicable laws that require us to collect information about individuals and why these laws require us to collect personal information are contained in our Privacy Policy.

Further information on how we collect, store, disclose and publish any information can be found in our privacy policy available here